Governance Information
Please read the information given below. When registering, you will be asked if you have read Erindale's governance policy.
Governance and Scope
The Erindale Hockey Association (EHA) is a duly incorporated, non-profit Corporation. The affairs of the Corporation are managed by a Board of Directors duly elected in keeping with the Corporation's governing Constitution and By-laws which are publicly available. The Association operates under the guidelines of the Mississauga Hockey League (MHL), which is a member of the Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL).
2. Teams
The EHA operates house league teams in the MHL in the Minor Novice up to Juvenile loops for ages 7 - 20 (as of December 31st of the year of registration). EHA house league teams play house league teams from other associations in the MHL. We also operate, within Erindale, an Initiation Program for ages 4, 5 and 6.
3. Player Registration
Erindale operates an online registration procedure for its pre-registration and open registration process.
1. Registration Fees, Discounts & Refund Policy
Erindale Hockey Association fees, discounts and refund policy are located here.
Equipment and Services Provided
Registration Fees Cover the cost of:
1. Jersey and socks
2. Weekly practice
3. Services of team officials and association
4. Individual and team photos
5. Year-end award
Team Fundraising
Any team may choose to raise additional funds to cover the costs of extra hockey equipment and activities including additional practices, paid instructors, tournaments, sportswear, etc. Guidelines are provided below under the Team Operations section.
Use of Association Name and Logo
No individual may reproduce the EHA name and/or logo without the express written consent of the association.
Team Operations
Team Officials
The EHA assigns a head coach to each house league team based on qualifications, experience, and a commitment to the EHA philosophy. The head coach is responsible for the recruitment of the other team positions which normally includes:
Assistant Coach (1-2)
All "carded" EHA team officials and executive members must have completed the Speak Out course.
Payments to Team Officials
The EHA does NOT financially compensate team officials for services rendered, or out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of the operation of the team. The only payments made to team officials by the EHA are to offset expenses incurred by the team officials for registering in CHA recognized education and training courses.
Sponsorship/Team Fundraising
House League teams are assigned a sponsor by the Erindale Sponsorship Director. Sponsorship fees are $500, paid directly to the Erindale Hockey Association. Only that one sponsor may appear on a team's sweater. Teams may choose to raise funds to cover the costs of extra hockey equipment and activities including additional practices, paid instructors, tournaments, sportswear, etc. Fundraising activities and/or events must be approved by the EHA in advance. The specific fundraising activities and/or events will be decided by the team as a group. Individual families may choose to decline participation in a particular fundraising event without sanction instead choosing to make payment to the team of an amount equal to the prorated portion raised by each participating family.
Bank Account
If a house league team opens a Chequing Account, at the bank of their choosing, at least three (3) individuals from the team will have signing authority being:
1. One team official
2. Two unrelated parents and/or guardians of team players
A minimum of two signatures are required on any cheque issued from the account or cash withdrawal. Revenues should be deposited into the team bank account, and expenses paid out of the team bank account using cheques. Expenses should not normally be paid in cash except to offset the direct costs associated with a fundraising event.
Financial Statement
Every house league team that has a budget over $2000 will keep detailed and accurate records itemizing the source, date and amount of all revenues raised by the team and all expenses incurred by the team. Reports of the latest financial information available shall be provided to each team family and to the EHA Director of Administration on or before the following dates:
November 15th
January 1st
Before the last team function or April 20th, whichever is earlier
End of Season Surpluses
Surpluses in the team bank account at the end of the hockey season will be distributed to the families on the team, normally on an equal basis. Where appropriate, the surplus may be prorated according to the relative contributions made by the respective family members.
All team apparel bearing the Erindale Spitfires or Erindale Hockey Association name and/or logo may only be purchased through the EHA approved supplier.
Dispute Resolution Procedures
In the event of an unresolved dispute between association members (team officials, parents, players, etc.) a written complaint should be made to:
the Head Coach. If not resolved then to:
the EHA Convener of that loop/ V.P. Convening. If not resolved then to:
the EHA President. If not resolved then to:
the MHL President. If not resolved then the MHL dispute resolution rules apply.