Erindale IP Program is now called Ice Pilots!

The Erindale U7 Ice Pilots is a hockey program for four, five and six-year-olds and is Erindale Hockey Association's version of Hockey Canada's initiation program. In a fun, non-competitive environment, the players learn hockey skills and fair play, with an emphasis on the development of self-esteem and self-confidence. The Ice Pilots Program promotes the belief that if the introduction to hockey is a positive one, the players will develop a lifetime love of the game
Ice Pilots Program Objectives

To provide children an opportunity to learn and develop hockey Fundamentals and Fitness in an environment of Fun and Fair play (The Four F's)
Making hockey a very positive and fun-filled experience
Having fun in a physical activity
Learning the basic skills needed to play hockey
Creating and refining basic motor patterns
Learning the concepts of cooperating and fair play
Developing an understanding of teamwork
Build self-esteem in the players' minds
Develop all the players to the fullest and encouraging
The season starts in late September and runs through to March. Boys and girls who are residents of Mississauga and are U7 (four, five and six years of age) are eligible to register. No prior skating or hockey experience is required. Each player receives a team jersey and a pair of hockey socks.
All practices and games are held at Erin Mills Twin Arena, 3205 Unity Drive, Mississauga.
Each player has a 45 to 50-minute practice once a week on Saturday mornings. All practices planned with multiple drill zones and skills are introduced in a progressive manner. We try to maintain a high ratio of qualified volunteer instructors to IP players. This allows us to attend to the individual requirements of the players. All of our lead instructors must attend a clinic that focuses on skill analysis and development, lesson organization, and communication.
Games are on Sunday mornings of each week. Each player has equal ice time. To build self-confidence they play against children of an equal skill level. No scores or individual stats are kept. The emphasis is on participation and skills development, not winning.
For more information, contact the Initiation Program Convenor at ipconvenor@erindalehockey.com