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The development of our players begins with the Hockey Canada's Initiation Program (IP). The IP Program is known as "Hockey for the fun of it." The objective is to teach the fundamentals of hockey, fitness, and fair play in a fun environment. One of the important elements of the Initiation Program is the development of self-esteem and self-confidence of the players as they progress through the program. In addition to the Initiation Program, Erindale offers players 8 - 13 years of age a skills development hockey school that also focuses on the fundamentals of hockey in a non-competitive environment.

Erindale actively encourages and supports the continuing education of coaches through in-house coaching clinics and the Hockey Canada CBET (Competency Based Educational Training), or the National Trainers Certification Program (NTCP). All house league Head Coaches in Erindale must be certified at the "Coach Stream" Level and all "A" team Head Coaches at the "Development One" Level (revised Intermediate Level) under the NCCP. As well, Erindale strongly encourages all coaches to obtain their Trainers Certificate. IP Instructors must also be certified under the NCCP at the "Initiation Program" Level. Finally, all coaches are required to take the Harassment and Abuse Awareness Program.


Program Objectives

  • Making hockey a very positive and fun-filled experience

  • Having fun in a physical activity

  • Learning the basic skills needed to play hockey

  • Creating and refining basic motor patterns

  • Learning the concepts of cooperating and fair play

  • Developing an understanding of teamwork

  • Build self-esteem in the player's minds

  • Develop all the players to the fullest and encourage creativity

The foundation for hockey in Canada!


Program Focus

The overall program objective is: to provide children with an opportunity to learn and develop hockey Fundamentals and Fitness in an environment of Fun and Fair play (The Four F's).

Developing basic hockey skills:

  • Skating

  • Stopping

  • Turning

  • Puck handling

  • Passing and shooting

Each skill is introduced and refined in a progressive manner.
The goal is to build a foundation for the future years.
There is a focus on all the players.
What they learn first, they learn best!


Development Program Curriculum

  • Participants are grouped by skill level and supervised by 4-5 instructors

  • Skill development tailored to the individual needs of each group

  • Overall more structured and better use of time and ice

  • A head instructor monitors overall flow of practices

Home of the Spitfires

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Member of the Mississauga Hockey League


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